MAGI instruments revolutionizes microbial growth monitoring using its high-resolution and multiplexed microbial growth intervalometer. How are we different from every other automated optical density device on the market, you ask? For one we use physics to help us improve data collection, especially for low growth yield organisms. Traditional optical density (OD) spectrophotometers use photoattenuation to measure growth. That is, as cells grow, less light reaches the detector. We instead use photoconductivity where, as cells grow, the cells propogate the light source to the detector. This simple and seemingly obvious innovation promotes high sensitivity measurements of both low and high growth yield microbial cultures. The resulting growth curves provides invaluable data for calculating key kinetic parameters for microbial physiology and modelling. MAGI has broad application in a variety of fields such as environmental microbiology, molecular biology, systems biology, synthetic biology, and even beer brewering (for isolating and screening yeast isolates). In addition, magi used software-driven automation, remote visualization, and data aquisition with an intuitive user-interface.


Fully Automated

Our software driven automation allows you to set your interval, his the start buttion, sit back, and collect data. Measurement frequency can be as little as 10 second or more than 1 hour.



Replication is essential in science and even more so in microbiology where phenotypic variation abounds. MAGI features a 12 measurement port base model and is expandable.



Whether growing high yield laboratory organisms or low yield environmental isolates, magi can will deliver reliable data using a gain tunable low-noise linear amplifier.


Superior mixing and data collection

In between data collection, test tubes are positioned horizontally where thorough mixing can be acheived. When data is collected, an articulating arm lifts the tubes to near vertical where optical interference from biosurfractants are reduced to zero.


Remote Visualization

Remotely monitor the progress of your experiment in real-time and interactively. Also download your data remotely and plug it it into your data analysis pipeline with standard tab-delimited data formats


Redox Flexability

Whether growing aerobes or anaerobes, MAGI will deliver high-resolution data to help you get that next paper published.


MAGI is an invaluable research tool. below are some highlights from our peer-reviewed publication:

Without MAGI my postdoctoral research never would have been accomplished. It allowed me to screen a multitude of media compositions.

- David Vuono Research Assistant Professor, Colorado School of Mines.

MAGI gave me new insights into the growth morphologies of Bacillus subtilis, which I had never seen in the 8 years of studying this organims.

- Zoe Harrold Research Scientist, Desert Research Institute

Using MAGI helped me get data quickly and effectively, but more importantly saved me time in meeting deadlines.

- Evan Loney Undergraduate Researcher, University of Nevada Reno